Hi Max,
Could you please send this question to cv19caingest@sanger.ac.uk ? There is a data scientist there who will be able to answer your questions.
Vladimir Kiselev
CellGen Informatics Team Leader
Wellcome Sanger Institute
Wellcome Genome Campus
Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SA
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 496850
Message: Mattermost or Slack [cellgeni.slack.com]
Web: https://genat.uk [genat.uk]
From: Maximilian Haeussler <mhaeussl@ucsc.edu>
Date: Tuesday, 5 May 2020 at 15:09
To: Vladimir Kiselev <vk6@sanger.ac.uk>
Subject: cell paper vs covid19atlas [EXT]
Hi Vlad,
is this paper in some way related to your datasets?
Is there some overlap in the datasets that you use?
If yes, could highlight that on your webpage...