Hi Carly,

Sorry for the late reply and many thanks for providing your updated h5ad object! I'll take a look and request the instance to be updated if there's no issue. Otherwise I'll let you know.



From: Carly Ziegler <Carly_Ziegler@hms.harvard.edu>
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 4:02:08 AM
To: Ni Huang; cv19caingest@sanger.ac.uk
Subject: Re: Updating Data on COVID19 Cell Atlas [EXT]
Hi all,

I'm interested in uploading new data to the cell x gene covid19 atlas for the Shalek Lab and Ordovas-Montanes Lab Nasal Epithelia dataset. I have output an h5ad file here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Wo8O6gcrf4oeWbPBWBKy-c8I6Xnrgx8a?usp=sharing [drive.google.com].
Please let me know how to proceed or if there are any errors in this current file


On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 11:14 PM Carly Ziegler <Carly_Ziegler@hms.harvard.edu> wrote:
Hi Ni and COVID-19 Cell Atlas Team,

I hope you are doing well. I'm writing to request some guidance on updating our group's previous submission to the COVID-19 Cell Atlas Portal (current data and viewer is "Nasal Epithelia": https://cellxgene.cziscience.com/e/b154c5cb-a4f2-43b3-a970-42e0c66cce79.cxg/ [cellxgene.cziscience.com])

We just submitted our manuscript and are in the process of uploading this manuscript as a preprint to biorxiv. We would love to supply the data link for the expanded and updated object. How would you like us to proceed? I can provide an updated h5ad, though I had some difficulties in formatting this properly before (I generally work in R/Seurat).

Thanks in advance!

Carly G. K. Ziegler
Harvard/MIT MD-PhD Program

Carly G. K. Ziegler
Harvard/MIT MD-PhD Program