Dear Vladimir: 
Thank you for letting me know! Best of luck with the submission. 
Sometime i'd love to deposit one of my 10X  databases there, containing scRNAseq data for healthy Monocytes and DCs in blood. We have about 8000 cells and usual number of transcripts ( ca 2k).  See confidential image attached ( not yet published).
It will help a lot with mining and visualisation.
We are, optimistically, submitting it to a high impact journal this week. 
Best regards
Fernando Martinez 
Fernando Martinez Estrada, Lic, PHD, AFHEA 

Lecturer in Immunology
Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences
Dorothy Hodgkin building 10AY02
University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH
Tel. 01483 684297

Honorary Senior Research Associate
Botnar Research centre. NDORMS. University of Oxford. 
Windmill road. OX3 7LD. Oxford.

On 28 Oct 2020, at 10:22, Vladimir Kiselev <> wrote:

Hi Fernando,


We are hoping to put a manuscript describing the data on medarchive by the end of the week. We will update the website accordingly and you will be able to reference the data.


Hope this helps,





Vladimir Kiselev


CellGen Informatics [] Team Leader

Wellcome Sanger Institute

Wellcome Genome Campus

Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SA

Phone: +44 (0) 1223 496850

Message: Mattermost [] or Slack []

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From: Fernando Oneissi Martinez Estrada <>
Date: Wednesday, 21 October 2020 at 14:46
To: "" <>
Subject: [Cv19caingest] Question about publication [EXT]


Good afternoon:

I am finding your Covid19 cell atlas very useful.

Can we publish snapshots of the data?

What is the best way to use it for publications?

I am happy to share our paper draft where I believe some of your data could be very complimentary.

If I could extract data for roc curves it would be amazing.


Thank you in advance

Fernando Martinez


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