Dear Colleagues

 I read with great interest your paper in Nature Medicine, and would like to congratulate you for this important contribution against Covid.

As member (and fan) of the HCA, I would like to suggest you to add to the COVID-19 Cell Atlas website our cell-sorted human gamma delta T lymphocytes scRNASeq dataset (n=8k cells), freely available at NCBI GEO data sets as GSE128223. The (cell, gene) matrix is included and  readily downloadable from this site, or else we can directly provide you with if you prefer.

Here are 2 important reasons for adding it:

1-It is the only scRNASeq (10xgenomics Chem. 3' V2) resource available for these human T cells, which were TCR purified by state of the art techniques.

2-  gamma delta T lymphocytes are abundantly resident in all epithelia and mucosal human tissues and mediate innate immunity resposnes.

If interested, read our paper by Pizzolato, G., et al.  :

 Single-cell RNA sequencing unveils the shared and the distinct cytotoxic hallmarks of human TCRVdelta1 and TCRVdelta2 gammadelta T lymphocytes. PNAS (2019): 116, 11906-11915.

 Best regards, and bravo anyway

Jean Jacques Fournié, PhD

Team noLymits
Cancer Research Center of Toulouse 
CRCT-UMR1037 Inserm-Université Toulouse 3-ERL5294 CNRS
Oncopole de Toulouse, 2 Avenue Hubert Curien, CS 53717

office: +335 8274 1590
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