Please can I complete my DBS checks





From: Stemambassadors <> On Behalf Of Public Engagement
Sent: 01 August 2019 12:23
To: '' <>
Subject: [Stemambassadors] STEM Ambassador DBS check issues


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Hi STEM Ambassadors,


Those of you that still have outstanding actions on your DBS checks may have received an email that suggests you might need to go to Stevenage to get your documents verified. I just wanted to clarify that this isn’t the case – you can get your documents verified onsite by the Campus HR team.  If you need your documents verified, please let me know and we can arrange a time with the HR team to get this sorted.  


One reason for these issues is that the company that runs the STEM Ambassador Hub for Cambridgeshire has changed. It used to be ConnectEB, it’s now SETPOINT Herts and it seems some of the DBS documents weren’t processed before the switch happened. This may unfortunately mean that some of you will need to get your documents re-verified, even if you got them checked when you were inducted. If this has affected you, you’ll receive emails from the DBS service or SETPOINT Herts asking for ID verification.


If you have any questions about DBS checks or any other aspect of STEM Ambassador activity, please let me know via or


Best wishes,  


Dr Louise Walker


Public Engagement Development Coordinator


Tel: +44 (0)1223 496810

Wellcome Genome Campus Public Engagement | Wellcome Genome Campus | Hinxton | Cambridgeshire| CB10 1SA | UK

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Wellcome Genome Campus Public Engagement is part of Connecting Science, which enables everyone to explore genomic science and its impact on research, health and society