Dear All
As you know Steve Trudgill sadly passed away in January and we wanted to send our condolences to his family. If you would like to sign the Sympathy card, please could you
send that to me with any message you would like to include?
Steve Trudgill’s funeral will be on Wednesday 16th February at Hinxton Church, Hinxton, CB10 1RS.
A memorial page has been set up on Facebook:-
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Dear all, Steve’s funeral will be at 2pm on Wednesday the 16th of February at Hinxton Church, Hinxton, CB10 1RS. Please cascade to others who
may wish to attend. With very best wishes, Gary
Many thanks & best wishes
Lorraine Moore
Estates and Facilities
Wellcome Genome Campus
Cambridge, CB10 1RQ
The Wellcome Genome Campus is home to some of the world’s foremost institutes and organisations in genomics and
computational biology. We bring together a diverse and exceptional scientific community in a culture and environment that fosters creativity and rewards bold, ambitious thinking. We are committed to delivering life-changing science with the reach, scale and
imagination to solve some of humanity’s greatest challenges.