Dear All,


The Minutes from our last Biodiversity Working Group held in February are attached for your information – please let us know if any amendments are required.


There is a link within the Minutes (and here) for the meeting recording of Iain’s bat survey presentation - hopefully this will work for anyone that missed the meeting.


Our next session will be on Wednesday 8th May 2024 at 11am in East Lodge & on Zoom. 


Proposed Agenda below:

1.     General Updates – Hester Sharpe

2.     U&C Update – Rocio de la Chica / Ian Farmer

3.     Grounds Team Update – Lee Outhwaite / Michelle Starling

4.     Wildlife Trust Update – Iain Webb

5.     Trout Club Update – William Newhouse

6.     Bird Survey Update – Neil Rawlings

7.     AOB - All


Please let us know if you intend to join us on Campus so that we can book you onto our visitor portal to allow you to sign in at Security.



Kind regards,


The Sustainability Team



Estates and Facilities Management

Wellcome Genome Campus

Hinxton, Cambridge

CB10 1RQ United Kingdom






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