Hello All,
Just a quick prompt to let you know the next seminar starts in 40 minutes – 10am UK time. The zoom link and details can be found here:
Hope to (virtually) see you there!
Best Wishes
Emma Garlick
Administrator (Research & Dialogue / Creatives)
Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday typically
Engagement & Society
Wellcome Connecting Science| Wellcome Genome Campus | Hinxton | Cambridgeshire | CB10 1SA | UK
Follow ethicsWCS on Twitter | blog
Wellcome Connecting Science enables everyone to explore genomic science and its impact on research, health
and society.
From: Emma Garlick <emma.garlick@wellcomeconnectingscience.org>
Date: Friday, 25 March 2022 at 07:41
To: "ydys@wgc.org.uk" <ydys@wgc.org.uk>
Subject: YDYS - The next YDYS Seminar - 30th March 10am BST
Hello All,
I hope you are well!
We are holding the next YDYS webinar which will be delivered by Qurratulain Annie Hasan on Wednesday March 30th at 10am UK time. Please see below for more details:
Wednesday 30th March 2022
10:00-11:00 BST
Dr. Qurratulain Annie Hasan
The role of awareness in DNA data sharing and public opinion in India — challenges observed
The foundation of the study ‘Your DNA, Your Say’ rests on the willingness of individuals around the world to share data about themselves which is then made available to clinicians and researchers and society
at large for health care. Trust is an important factor in sharing DNA information. However, during analysis of Indian data, it was evident that people’s awareness about DNA has to be assessed before we can establish their willingness to donate.
In this seminar Dr. Qurratulain (Annie) Hasan, Sr. Consultant & HOD, Research Director at the Department of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad, India along with Swayamsiddha Sahoo,
Research Trainee under Dr. Hasan, who has completed her MA in Public Policy and Governance from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad, India; will discuss their methodology and findings. They will also elaborate on how variables like gender, age and
level of education are factors that are decisive regarding awareness to DNA and how their awareness plays an important role in building trust to donate their DNA data. They will also try address the staggering questions pertaining to Big Data, DNA and Public
Information on the webinar, including the Zoom link, can be found here:
If you could share this with anyone you feel would be interested in attending, or on social media channels, that would be fantastic. Please find attached the banner we have created for twitter.
Have a lovely weekend and hopefully see you virtually on Wednesday!
Best Wishes
Emma Garlick
Administrator (Research & Dialogue / Creative Team)
Working days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday typically
Engagement & Society
Wellcome Connecting Science| Wellcome Genome Campus | Hinxton | Cambridgeshire | CB10 1SA | UK
Follow ethicsWCS on Twitter | blog
Wellcome Connecting Science enables everyone to explore genomic science and its impact on research, health
and society.