I hope you are all well! I’m writing with a reminder for the next in our YDYS Seminar Series, as well as a save the date for the following one, the first of 2022. A quick note to say that our team name has recently changed from Society and Ethics
Research to Engagement & Society, so our series names has now been updated to E&S Seminar Series.
Wednesday 10 November at 16:00 GMT
"For-profit companies don’t care about patients’ well-being” Data and sharing in Germany
by Torsten Voight and Barbara Prainsack
*Feel free to promote this seminar with your circles, a banner image for social media is attached!
Wednesday 12 January 2022 at 14:00 GMT
Gabriela Chavarria Soley and Hanriette Raventos will present from the Costa Rican arm of the survey. More information to follow!
Warm regards,
Lauren Robarts
Senior Manager
Society and Ethics Research
+44 (0)1223 495332
Wellcome Connecting Science| Wellcome
Genome Campus | Hinxton | Cambridgeshire | CB10 1SA | UK
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