Dear All
I'm writing to you as either a BCP Lead or HR Lead (or both) for a company within the BIC regarding our communications and preparations for a scenario where we might need to close the Campus because of the Coronavirus outbreak. I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for your support, to share our BCP and also to explain how we are planning and managing communication flows.
BCP - General
Please find attached here our BCP for the BIC which complements the Campus BCP and which outlines how we will communicate with you to request that you initiate your own company BCP. With confidentiality in mind I have removed the appendix which includes names and contact details, but if you would like to update or check who your BCP Leads are as well as the list of those from your company who have been notified to us as requiring essential access to the Campus in the event of a closure please do let me know.
We have created a BIC-BCP-Leads(a)<> email alias which includes all BIC BCP Leads so that members of the Incident Management Team and the BIC Team can communicate with you directly in the event of a Campus closure.
BCP Leads will also have received an invitation to join a What's App group for BIC BCP Leads and many of you have joined the group. Please do let me know if you would like us to resend an invitation to you.
Coronavirus Advice
We are regularly sharing advice with regard to Coronavirus across the Campus which reflects the latest information and recommendations provided by PHE. We are currently sharing our draft communications with the HR Leads of BIC Companies for comment and input before it is published and enable you to consider how this aligns with your own policies. We'd like to thank all HR leads for their input to date.
To facilitate this moving forward we have also created a BIC-HR-Leads(a)<> email alias - again this is restricted for use by members of the Incident Management Team and the BIC Team.
We realise that for some companies there are individuals who are both HR Leads and BCP Leads (so you may receive communications twice), but for other Companies these roles are fulfilled by different individuals - in which case we recommend that you share information between you appropriately.
First Aiders
We are also developing some information for first aiders on Campus to support them with regard to Coronavirus. We realise that companies may also have trained first aiders that are not part of the Campus First Aid team, so may not be known to us. If you have trained company first aiders please do advise us as to who they are and of their contact details and we will ensure that we share this information with them.
Many thanks once again for your support with this and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to ask us. I have copied in here both Sian Nash who is leading the Critical Incident Management for Campus and Robert Bush who leads on our Campus BCP.
With very best wishes
Dr Joanna Mills
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre Manager
Wellcome Genome Campus<>
BioData Innovation Centre
CB10 1DR
T +44 (0) 1223 495359
M +44 (0) 7775 508743
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