Hi all,
1 more ambassador would be great to have. Let me know if you can make it.
On 14/02/2020 15:03, Public Engagement wrote:
Dear STEM Ambassadors,
Birgit Meldal is looking for a few volunteers to help with DNA
bracelets and DNA extractions with 2x Year 4 classes at Milton Primary
School in the morning of Friday, 28th February. Please let her know if
you would like to join the fun! Birgit is organising all the
logistics, you would just be required to turn up and help the children
with the two activities.
If you would like to join Birgit, please email her directly
(bmeldal(a)ebi.ac.uk <mailto:bmeldal@ebi.ac.uk>).
Best wishes,
Public Engagement
Stemambassadors mailing list
Dr. Birgit Meldal
Senior Complex Portal & IntAct Curator
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), European Molecular Biology Laboratory,
Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SD
United Kingdom
+44 1223 494107