This is cancellation of the old calendar invite series - you should have received a replacement invite from the Environment inbox in December, but if not please contact us at environment(a)<>.
Please find the group's rolling agenda below:
1. General Updates - Hester Sharpe
2. U&C Update - Rocio de la Chica / Ian Farmer
3. Grounds Team Update - Lee/Michelle
4. Wildlife Trust Update - Iain Webb
5. Trout Club Update - William Newhouse
6. Bird Survey Update - Neil Rawlings
7. AOB - All
Dear All,
Please find this invite series to the Quarterly Biodiversity Working Group held on the fourth Wednesday of every 3 months at 11:00 to 12:00.
The large meeting room in East Lodge has been booked for those on Campus, and there is a Zoom link below for those joining from home.
Any changes to these times or dates will be amended for the relevant calendar invitation and communicated to the group.
If you no longer wish to be part of the Biodiversity Working Group and wish to be removed from the email alias, please let us know.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 988 4380 8592
Passcode: 430701
Upcoming Meeting Dates for 2024:
28th February 2024
8th May 2024
28th August 2024
13th November 2024
NB. If you intend to join any of these meetings on Campus as a visitor, please let us know in advance of the relevant meeting date so that we can book you onto our Security Visitor System.
The 'East Lodge' Building is highlighted below in Yellow for your information:
Kind regards,
The Sustainability Team
Estates and Facilities Management
Wellcome Genome Campus
Hinxton, Cambridge
CB10 1RQ United Kingdom
e: environment(a)<>
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail