Hi there,
My name is Aaron Wilk from the Blish lab at Stanford University. Your cell atlas is currently hosting our early COVID-19 scRNA-seq immune profiling work, and I am excited to tell you that we have now posted a preprint expanding that initial work to many more patients across a wider range of disease severity: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.biorxiv.org_conten…
Would you be able to host Seurat .rds and .h5ad for this dataset as well?
Please let me know if you have any questions.
All the best,
Aaron Wilk
Good Morning,
If it is possible, we would like to upload our COVID-19 patient data to the COVID-19 Cell Atlas web portal.
Please let us know how we can begin this process. The data is currently unpublished.
Many thanks and best wishes,
Emily Stephenson
Haniffa Lab
M3.121 Leech Building
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Happy New Year