Many thanks to those who joined our webinar on Wednesday, "For-profit companies don’t care about patients’ well-being” Data and sharing in Germany. Thank you again to Torsten and Barbara for the interesting talk!
A full length video of the webinar is now viewable on our website, here: https://bit.ly/ESseminarYDYSGermany
A PDF of the presentation slides is also uploaded and will be available at the same link from Monday afternoon.
Warm regards,
Lauren Robarts
Senior Manager
Society and Ethics Research
Tel: +44 (0)1223 495332
Wellcome Connecting Science| Wellcome Genome Campus | Hinxton | Cambridgeshire | CB10 1SA | UK
wellcomeconnectingscience.org/societyandethics <http://www.wellcomeconnectingscience.org/societyandethics>
Follow ethicsWCS on Twitter<https://twitter.com/WGCethics> | blog<https://genomethicsblog.org/>
Wellcome Connecting Science enables everyone to explore genomic science and its impact on research, health and society.
I’m writing with a reminder of our YDYS webinar, taking place today at 16:00 GMT and delivered by Torsten Voigt and Barbara Prainsack:
“For-profit companies don’t care about patients’ well-being”: Data and sharing in Germany.
On average, Germans seem less willing to donate their medical and DNA data than residents of other countries. Why is this? Torsten Voigt and Barbara Prainsack will provide some answers on the basis of the German Your DNA, Your Say survey.
Click here for the Zoom webinar link: bit.ly/ESseminarYDYSGermany<http://bit.ly/ESseminarYDYSGermany>. For those unable to attend live, a video of the seminar will also be viewable here within a few days of the event.
Warm regards,
Lauren Robarts
Senior Manager
Society and Ethics Research
Tel: +44 (0)1223 495332
Wellcome Connecting Science| Wellcome Genome Campus | Hinxton | Cambridgeshire | CB10 1SA | UK
Follow ethicsWCS on Twitter | blog
Wellcome Connecting Science enables everyone to explore genomic science and its impact on research, health and society.
You have been invited to the following event.
Title: "For-profit companies don’t care about patients’ well-being” Data
and sharing in Germany
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join.
Passcode: E&Sseminar
Description: On average, Germans seem less willing to donate their medical
and DNA data than residents of other countries. Why is this? Torsten Voigt
and Barbara Prainsack will provide some answers on the basis of the German
Your DNA, Your Say survey.
An earlier paper from the YDYS study reported that residents of Germany
were less willing to make their data available for research than people in
English speaking countries. New data analysis by Torsten H. Voigt and
Barbara Prainsack shows that the reasons for this are strongly related to
concerns about disproportionate commercial profits, and asymmetries in
benefits for corporate actors v. citizens and patients. Findings from the
German YDYS data thus underscore the need to think about privacy and
autonomy not merely (and perhaps not even primarily) as individual rights
and interests but as collective concerns. Rather than asking “What is in it
for me”, most people’s concerns regarding data sharing seem to be related
to the question of “What kind of society do we want?”
Torsten H. Voigt is the Managing Director of the Institute of Sociology and
the Chair of the Technology and Diversity Program at RWTH Aachen University.
Barbara Prainsack is the Head of Department of Political Science, and the
Director of the interdisciplinary Research Platform Governance of Digital
Practices, at the University of Vienna.
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Webinar ID: 951 3539 3100
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Passcode: 9905643994
When: Wed Nov 10, 2021 4pm – 5pm United Kingdom Time
Calendar: ydys(a)wgc.org.uk
* lf8(a)sanger.ac.uk - organizer
* ydys(a)wgc.org.uk
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I hope you are all well! I’m writing with a reminder for the next in our YDYS Seminar Series, as well as a save the date for the following one, the first of 2022. A quick note to say that our team name has recently changed from Society and Ethics Research to Engagement & Society, so our series names has now been updated to E&S Seminar Series.
Wednesday 10 November at 16:00 GMT
"For-profit companies don’t care about patients’ well-being” Data and sharing in Germany
by Torsten Voight and Barbara Prainsack
Further information, including the Zoom link can be found here: bit.ly/ESseminarYDYSGermany<http://bit.ly/ESseminarYDYSGermany>
*Feel free to promote this seminar with your circles, a banner image for social media is attached!
Wednesday 12 January 2022 at 14:00 GMT
Gabriela Chavarria Soley and Hanriette Raventos will present from the Costa Rican arm of the survey. More information to follow!
Warm regards,
Lauren Robarts
Senior Manager
Society and Ethics Research
Tel: +44 (0)1223 495332
Wellcome Connecting Science| Wellcome Genome Campus | Hinxton | Cambridgeshire | CB10 1SA | UK
wellcomeconnectingscience.org/societyandethics <http://www.wellcomeconnectingscience.org/societyandethics>
Follow ethicsWCS on Twitter<https://twitter.com/WGCethics> | blog<https://genomethicsblog.org/>
Wellcome Connecting Science enables everyone to explore genomic science and its impact on research, health and society.