Many thanks to everyone for joining the 2nd YDYS Collaborators Virtual Meeting, especially those dialling-in in the middle of the night! For reference, and for those who were unable to join, the video of the meeting can be seen here: https://vimeo.com/503141644/342e26ea70
The action points all have to do with setting up meetings to progress collaborations, these are outlined below. I have cc-ed in Angela from our team, who can assist with organising these. Angela, can you kindly set up Doodle Polls for the following (I’ve included email addresses and approximate locations to take into account timezones):
* Linking up the China, Russia and India arms of the study to discuss the cultural context of genomics and similar public attitudes in these markets
* Annie Hasan (qhasan2013(a)gmail.com<mailto:qhasan2013@gmail.com>) Hyderabad, India
* Yali Cong (ethics(a)bjmu.edu.cn<mailto:ethics@bjmu.edu.cn>) Beijing, China
* Elena Baranova (baranova.gen(a)gmail.com<mailto:baranova.gen@gmail.com>) Moscow, Russia
* Vera Izhevskaya (izhevskaya(a)med-gen.ru<mailto:izhevskaya@med-gen.ru>) Moscow, Russia
* Anna Middleton (anna.middleton(a)wgc.org.uk<mailto:anna.middleton@wgc.org.uk>)
* Richard Milne (richard.milne(a)wgc.org.uk<mailto:richard.milne@wgc.org.uk>)
* Meeting to strategise recruitment in Iceland, including exploring panel/market research companies there
* Vigdís Stefànsdóttir (viggastefans(a)gmail.com<mailto:viggastefans@gmail.com>) Reykjavík, Iceland
* Anna Middleton (anna.middleton(a)wgc.org.uk<mailto:anna.middleton@wgc.org.uk>)
* Lauren Robarts (lauren.robarts(a)wgc.org.uk<mailto:lauren.robarts@wgc.org.uk>)
* Heidi C Howards (if possible!!) (heidi.howard(a)med.lu.se<mailto:heidi.howard@med.lu.se>) Lund, Sweden
* Meeting between the Japanese team and SER to discuss data analysis, in late February or March
* Jusaku Minari (minari(a)eth.med.osaka-u.ac.jp<mailto:minari@eth.med.osaka-u.ac.jp>) Osaka, Japan
* Megumi Kimura (kimura(a)iir.hit-u.ac.jp<mailto:kimura@iir.hit-u.ac.jp>) Osaka, Japan
* Jusaku, please advise if others from your team should be added
* Anna Middleton (anna.middleton(a)wgc.org.uk<mailto:anna.middleton@wgc.org.uk>)
* Richard Milne (richard.milne(a)wgc.org.uk<mailto:richard.milne@wgc.org.uk>)
* There was mention towards the beginning of the meeting of the Costa Rican team and the Portuguese teams linking up. Please let me know if you would like me to do email introductions to facilitate this.
Of course, everyone is welcome to send emails to the group address (ydys(a)wgc.org.uk<mailto:ydys@wgc.org.uk>) in order to reach the entire group.
The 3rd YDYS Collaborators Meeting, which will be in a few months time, will focus on analysis and how to ‘defend our groupings of countries together’, i.e. if we group together Southern Europe versus Northern Europe, what the rationalisation is for this (thank you, Claudia, for raising this question in today’s meeting)
Warm regards,
Lauren Robarts
Senior Manager
Wellcome Genome Campus Society and Ethics Research | Wellcome Genome Campus | Hinxton | Cambridgeshire | CB10 1SA | UK
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